How To Create a Web Application For Brain Training with React. Part I.

Alexandr Lavrentyev
Level Up Coding
Published in
6 min readMar 11, 2022


I started to work on this a long time ago. It was intended for my mother, but she didn’t use it much, she passed away due to COVID-19 last year. But I still hope that my work could be helpful for many people.

Let’s start by citing UN documents:

According to data from World Population Prospects: the 2019 Revision, by 2050, one in six people in the world will be over age 65 (16%), up from one in 11 in 2019 (9%). By 2050, one in four persons living in Europe and Northern America could be aged 65 or over. In 2018, for the first time in history, persons aged 65 or above outnumbered children under five years of age globally. The number of persons aged 80 years or over is projected to triple, from 143 million in 2019 to 426 million in 2050.

What does that mean for us? We must be prepared to live longer, work harder (since there would be less available manpower, so the state gonna squeeze every penny from workers to let the economy stay on float), and witness people with mental decline more frequently. Unfortunately, the last one awaits all of us, but we still can do many, to at least stop it from progressing — healthy eating, regular exercise, and brain training. And brain training could be made in form of a game. Game web application! That’s why we’ve come here, innit?

Let’s go step by step and implement just one exercise. For now.


Game of Words and Colors

Look at the picture below.

Click to go to the source

Now try to read and pronounce the COLOR of the word, not the word itself. And try to do it fast. Not so easy task, huh? What you’ve seen here is called the Stroop effect. It is mostly used in various tests and psychological research, but according to various internet sources it also could keep your mind sharp and slow down the effect of Alzheimer’s disease. Anyway, let’s create a game out of it!

So, let’s get down to business — how we’ll do it? By adding to the main idea four key points:

  1. Random
  2. Configurability
  3. Challenge
  4. Interactive

So, it’s gonna be a playable customizable table with random words and colors, where you need to pronounce the color of the selected word, which changes over time. All others are bells and whistles. Time for code!

I’ll write this project in React with typescript and Semantic UI React CSS framework. You’re free to use any tool, language, and framework, of course.

First of all, creating the project

npx create-react-app brain-train --template typescript

With your permission, I’m not gonna describe every used package, since it’s gonna transform already boring text into something unreadable. You can always check the list of needful packages at package.json in the repository. The same could be said about every module — you can see the whole code on GitHub.

This is my palette:

const Palette = [
'name': 'red',
'code': '#ff0000'
'name': 'yellow',
'code': '#FFFF00'
'name': 'green',
'code': '#00ff00'
'name': 'blue',
'code': '#0000FF'
'name': 'black',
'code': "#000000"
Palette modal
Palette modal

I built everything using hooks, so this is my “state”:

const [rowNum, setRowNum] = React.useState(4)
const [colNum, setColNum] = React.useState(4)
const [speed, setSpeed] = React.useState(0.5)
const [tableData, setTableData] = React.useState<any>(null)
const [direction, setDirection] = React.useState("start-to-end")
const [activeCell, setActiveCell] = React.useState<null | number>(null)
const [gameStatus, setGameStatus] = React.useState(false)

rowNum and colNum are rows and columns for the table, speed is the game speed, tableData is for randomly generated table data, the direction is for game direction, activeCell is for currently active cell, gameStatus is for play/stop. I’ve tried to keep it obvious because the KISS principle is a must-have thing.

This is how I generate random data for a table:

const prepareData = () => {
let data: [number, number][][] = []
let word = 0
let color = 0
for (let i = 0; i < rowNum; i++) {
let row: [number, number][] = []
for (let k = 0; k < colNum; k++) {
word = Math.floor(Math.random() * Palette.length)
color = Math.floor(Math.random() * Palette.length)
row.push([word, color])
return data

It’s a multidimensional array, which consists of rows and columns, and every cell inside consists of two numbers — one for color name, the other for color code

This is how I generate and populate the table:

const generateTable = () => {
if (tableData) {
return [number, number][], rowIndex: number) => <Table.Row key={`tr-key-${rowIndex}`}>
{ [number, number], index: number) => {
return <Table.Cell key={`td-key-${rowIndex}-${index}`}>
<svg viewBox="0 0 100 20" style={{
width: "100%",
padding: "1vh 1vw",
fill: Palette[cell[1]].code
return null
<Table basic={"very"} size={"large"} celled={true}>

We’re just populating cells inside of columns and rows with Palette[y].name SVG text painted in Palette[x].code. Why SVG? Because it’s one of the simplest ways to fit text into the container.

And this is the heart of that game:

React.useEffect(() => {
let interval: (any) = null
if (gameStatus) {
if (activeCell === null) {
interval = setInterval(() => {
if (direction === "start-to-end") {
underlineSVG(0, true)
} else {
setActiveCell((rowNum * colNum) - 1)
underlineSVG((rowNum * colNum) - 1, true)
}, speed * 1000)
} else {
const cleanUp = () => {
underlineSVG(activeCell, false)
if (direction === "start-to-end") {
if (activeCell < (rowNum * colNum) - 1) {
interval = setInterval(() => {
setActiveCell(activeCell + 1)
underlineSVG(activeCell + 1, true)
underlineSVG(activeCell, false)
}, speed * 1000)
} else {
} else {
if (activeCell >= 0) {
interval = setInterval(() => {
setActiveCell(activeCell - 1)
underlineSVG(activeCell - 1, true)
underlineSVG(activeCell, false)
}, speed * 1000)
} else {
} else if (!gameStatus && activeCell !== null) {
return () => clearInterval(interval);
}, [gameStatus, activeCell]);

It’s a timer inside of a useEffect hook. If the game is active, we’re setting a new activeCell in the table, highlighting it, and removing the highlight from the previous one, going according to the direction and with set speed.

And this is how I manipulate SVG:

const underlineSVG = (address: number, highlight: boolean) => {
let [row, col] = [0, 0]
if (address !== 0) {
row = Math.floor(address / colNum)
col = address - (row * colNum)
let elem: null | HTMLElement = document.getElementById(`text-${row}-${col}`)
if (elem) {
if (highlight) {
elem.setAttribute("style", "text-decoration: underline")
} else {
elem.setAttribute("style", "")

We’re converting a one-dimensional number into a multidimensional array address and then highlighting or removing highlights from the text. This whole method is way faster than if we would set a conditional style in dynamically created cells. Or, at least, I think so.

So, here is what it looks like:

Multicolored words table in english
Multicolored words table in English
Multicolored words table in Russian
Multicolored words table in English

There is much more in my app — simple routing, informational modals, translation and etc. The full code can be found here. And the working example is here.

This is not a finished product yet, I’ll gonna refactor it a bit and add new games and exercises in the future. Stay with me if you wanna see it!


Well, thanks for reading! Please, share your opinion in the comments and follow me for more. And don’t be afraid to ask questions, if something is not clear.



Traveler, dreamer, programmer. I'm interested in thousands of different things, from data visualization to seasteading.